Monday, April 9, 2012

Home Before & Afters

We have been in our home for almost 7 months now and it have undergone many changes! I am going to share with you some before & after photos from our journey! 

Our home came with OAK! Lots and lots of oak...bleh! Among all the oak was this beauty,  a built in that was half built. Luckily my father in law has some decent carpentry skills and was able to build a desk area in the lower half of the built-in. We are not fans of oak so I knew this was going to be something on my list to re-paint. Man, was this guy a beast to paint though! I went through many coats of primer and paint in order to thoroughly cover it all and stayed up many a late night so my munchkins wouldn't touch the wet paint. I loved the result... that was until I noticed it was too stark and white for my tastes. You see, when we first moved in I had this notion that I wanted everything light and bright, and well white...after browsing through hundreds of photos on blogs and home decor websites I decided I needed a little less traditional, stark decor and more eclectic and warm decor. I decided that I really wanted the desk part to our built in to be dark stained wood... nice and warm. Well, that lapse in judgement cost me hours...I sanded all the primer and white paint off and then stained and waxed it to beautiful perfection. I also got around to using beadboard wall paper to cover the hideous seems of fake wood that paneled the back of the built in. I still need to finish up some details and cover a few spots with new moulding but all in all it is looking much more fabulous that it was when we first moved in. Here are some photos of the progress...
Here is the desk area with its white paint, too cold.

Here is the work in progress. SO MUCH DUST!! Never again!
Back to its original raw state!

Some stain and beadboard magic!

All the random accesories I have
Here it is as it is currently decorated and all put back together.
 Excuse some of the random cords floating around the back of the computer and the poor lighting.
 I took this photo at night
 Tacky brass around your fireplace? Nothing a can of spray paint cant handle..

Before-Ugly brass, bleh =(

After some spray paint magic! BEAUITIFUL

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