Saturday, July 2, 2011


Since I was a young girl...wait, I am still young!... Right? Well, ever since I can remember I have always wanted a pram for my babies! I LOVE and ADORE black and white classic movies, and having a pram for your baby during those times was the norm. My Dad was even pushed around in one as a baby! Well,  two babies have come and gone and no pram in sight. So I have determined that for baby #3 I will have a pram! Baby #3 is no where in sight, so don't get too excited. I was bored this afternoon and began to scour through Craigslist and came across some for sale! They retail for around $1500-$2000 brand new. Ridiculous, and honestly my hubby would never allow me to spend that kind of money on one. But I can justify a $500 used pram right? After all 10 months in the belly, stretch marks, labor, delivery, recovery and nursing every 2 hours with no sleep. That is well worth $500!  I have every intention of getting my hands on one, come baby #3. Which I also hope is a girl. How fabulous will that be? I don't have my fingers crossed though. I am destined to have three boys first...why? Well, because Jill Taylor from Home Improvement had three boys, and I have always seen myself following in her footsteps. Her fake, scripted footsteps. Luckily, we would like to have five kids.  Hopefully one will be a girl! If not our son can be pushed around in style, and me...well, I can cross another dream fulfilled off of my list!

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