Friday, February 22, 2013

Say No to No Breakfast!

We are not big breakfast eaters around here, unless its for lunch or dinner. Waffles...yum yum! In fact, the hubby and I rarely eat anything before lunch time and because he is a store manager for Starbucks Coffee Company he usually downs tons of drip coffee on a empty stomach. We in the process of making some healthy lifestyle changes, which for me includes 4-5 miles of walking/ jogging with my boys 5x a week or hitting up our community's gym. One great thing our HOA fees go towards! I notice that not eating until I am starving is doing no good for me, so I decided to start making myself smoothies as a late breakfast or afternoon pick me up. I don't measure out my ingredients but here is an approximate rundown!

-1.5 Cups Frozen Strawberries
-1/4 Blackberries or Blueberries
-1/2 Cup Organic Vanilla Yogurt
-1/2 Cranberry Juice
-1/2 Cup Whole Milk
-1 Banana
-1/2 Ice
-2-3 Fresh Spinach Leaves
-2 Tbl Protein Powder
-3 Tbl Honey
*Sometimes I add a bit of sugar if it needs sweetening. 
 Blend until everything is well incorporated and smooth. Add juice or ice as needed to get a pourable and smooth consistency. It seems like a lot of ingredients but for example, I am not a milk drinker so I like to add that to get some dairy in. You can tweak your smoothie to fit your tastes and needs! I have been blending these up just about every morning and they keep me full for a good 3-4 hours and give me plenty of energy to go work out or walk with the kids. You can add or substitute just about any fruit or juice that you prefer. I am a strawberry girl at heart so the majority of my fruit will always be them! When strawberries are on sale I will purchase and use fresh berries rather than frozen. Trader Joes sells 1 pound frozen bags regularly for $1.89 and that price is hard to beat around here! If you aren't a big breakfast eater or find yourself cranky and run down try blending up a delicious smoothie!


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