Saturday, July 2, 2011


Since I was a young girl...wait, I am still young!... Right? Well, ever since I can remember I have always wanted a pram for my babies! I LOVE and ADORE black and white classic movies, and having a pram for your baby during those times was the norm. My Dad was even pushed around in one as a baby! Well,  two babies have come and gone and no pram in sight. So I have determined that for baby #3 I will have a pram! Baby #3 is no where in sight, so don't get too excited. I was bored this afternoon and began to scour through Craigslist and came across some for sale! They retail for around $1500-$2000 brand new. Ridiculous, and honestly my hubby would never allow me to spend that kind of money on one. But I can justify a $500 used pram right? After all 10 months in the belly, stretch marks, labor, delivery, recovery and nursing every 2 hours with no sleep. That is well worth $500!  I have every intention of getting my hands on one, come baby #3. Which I also hope is a girl. How fabulous will that be? I don't have my fingers crossed though. I am destined to have three boys first...why? Well, because Jill Taylor from Home Improvement had three boys, and I have always seen myself following in her footsteps. Her fake, scripted footsteps. Luckily, we would like to have five kids.  Hopefully one will be a girl! If not our son can be pushed around in style, and me...well, I can cross another dream fulfilled off of my list!

Friday, July 1, 2011

No News is Good News

So today we got a e-mail from out Realtor, Anna. This Monday, July 4th, we are going on 7 weeks since we have submitted our offer on our "dream" first home...this "dream" also happens to be a short-sale property! As is 98% of the market right now! One person's loss is our gain, if we play our cards right and have the patience to endure this process! We are currently and have always been apartment renters. We have been in the same complex since we were married in 2005, so buying our first place feels long over due. Especially with two boys running circles around me in this 1100 sq. ft apartment! Back to the point...well, there isn't much of a point other than we got an e-mail that said things are moving along. Slowly, very slowly but things are getting done that will hopefully lead us to a short sale approval letter from the bank sometime soon. We are in no rush, financially speaking! The longer we rent the more we are able to save. We will likely be breaking our lease here, as well as needing to buy a new refrigerator, tons of paint and some new furniture. I have already started a couple of portfolios full of changes I would like to make to the house over time. My head is spinning of ideas, and I can't wait to start tackling some of them. Of course I am jumping the gun, as any great woman does being we haven't received an official approval letter. Along with the fact a million things could go wrong during escrow and the deal could fall through. But we are confidant with patience, God will open up the right home for our growing family. Whether it is this one or one we have yet to lay our eyes on.
