Monday, June 6, 2011

Home Sick

Remember the days when being sick meant staying home from school and being waited on hand and foot? Well, those days are long gone as an adult! And with two young boy,s who are also sick, they're looking to me to baby them and nurse them back to health...and I have...well myself too! Nick is a great help to me when I am sick, at least when he is actually home. Today is a full work day for him which means he is going 12+ hours. Boo! I am thankful he has a full day off tomorrow so I can get some more rest in and hopefully avoid a visit to the doctors office! I was hoping to spend tomorrow in the beautiful outdoors with the kids, but that can wait until everyone is healthy! I am sure the general public will appreciate us not sneezing, coughing and sucking up our snot next to them! This being sick totally cuts into my plans of working out and getting super fit today, but I will enjoy time on the couch in that A/C painting my toenails instead.


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