Friday, March 4, 2011

Disneyland Days

Caleb & I on King Arthur's Carousel

Matterhorn Bobsleds
One of the many benefits of living in Southern California is the "Happiest Place on Earth" is nearby! Not to mention a plethora of In N Out hands-down favorite place to eat! My hubby and I both have Deluxe Annual Passes to Disneyland which cost a arm and a leg! Thank goodness Caleb wont be three until the middle of May so he is still free! Although, he looks like a four year old and we sometimes get questioned about his age. To avoid delays and such we carry a copy of his birth certificate with us in the stroller so we can whip it out at a moments notice and say boo-yah he isn't three yet! For his third birthday he will be getting a annual pass...that will probably be his Christmas present too...and maybe fourth birthday present! At $329 a pop and prices increasing yearly I'm not sure how many years we will continue to purchase passes, but for now we enjoy them immensely! We probably average 3-4x a month so for us it is well worth the money we spend. The great thing about having a annual pass is you don't feel pressured to spend a full day at the parks. And with two little ones, going to the parks for 4-6 hour chunks works out great for us. Anyways back to today! Today started off in a later than normal people wake up fashion. Meaning my hubby was off for the day so I had the opportunity to sleep in.. We were lagging until around noon when we decided to head out to the "Happiest Place on Earth". My sister wanted to join so we met at our church and stopped at In N Out Burger on the way there for a late lunch. Prices in the park are ridiculously expensive so we eat outside the park as much as possible and bring in our own snacks and drinks. One of my friends happened to be in the area and joined us at the park as well. It was a cool day, not crowded and short lines. Caleb had a lot of fun, but was very wishy-washy about what rides he wanted to go on. Believe it or not his favorite ride is currently the Matterhorn Bobsleds in Fantasyland! He will go on over and over...until no willing adult exists who will ride with him again!! The parks closed early, since it was a weekday so we left the parks around 8:15 and headed somewhere for a late dinner...our family runs on our own time! Haha. We are almost always hungry! Initially our thought was to go to the local Chickfila but things changed when a In N Out Burger was spotted in the same parking lot...haha..we are suckers for In N Our Burger. So, for the second time we ate In N Out...and boy was it delicious!! 

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