Friday, March 11, 2011

D-Day...err I mean B-Day fun!

Noah-3 Days Old
The day is almost upon us! Well the actual day is still three days away, but my youngest prince's birthday party is tomorrow afternoon!! "PARTY!!!! WOO-HOO!!!" alright, I'm glad I got that out of my system. As I sit here making notes of every last minute detail I need to take care of tomorrow, I am wondering why we celebrate and make such a big deal of our children's first birthdays? Because we all know they will carry these treasured memories all of their lives right?...Right...that's what I keep telling myself! I don't consider tomorrows event to be anything lavish by any means, we're having a BBQ, cake, pinata and bouncer for the kids who will be attending. We are dropping a good $400 on this affair, and I wonder if maybe that money could be used more wisely? My hubby and I briefly chatted about it tonight and thought, well we could "deprive" our children of birthday parties for the rest of their life and store the money in a bank account until they need money for a down payment on a car of money for college or such. I'm sure they would love that...and be totally understanding. Because we all know kids are understanding...right. Even with all these thoughts clouding my brain, I am really looking forward to tomorrow. His older brother will probably really enjoy it now that he is close to three and will someday be able to tell Noah all about it. Man, even at three I doubt Caleb will be able to remember Noah's first birthday party! In times like these I sure am glad that we have video cameras, and digital cameras, and cameras on our phone. Now those will be treasure memories to carry with us all of our lives! You only turn one year old once baby! Make it count!

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