Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cake Pop Madness

My Cake Pops
(taken with my iphone 4)
So, I have surfed around on Bakerella's website before and seen all of her beautiful small and edible creations...I just got out of a making cupcakes all the time phase and am transitioning over to making Cake Pops and Cake Bites all the time. While buying last minute things for my son's first birthday party over the weekend I happened to run into her book 30% off at my local Target. How could I resist? After all with Starbucks tooting it's Cake Pop horn now I just had to make a batch of my own. Because paying $1.50 for one, well that's just crazy. And the exact reason I hardly ever go to Starbucks without my hubby in tow. That 30% discount is just lovely. I feel bad for all you suckers that pay full price. =)
Anyways, I had an insatiable urge to eat chocolate the other night. Which if anybody knows me, well, that's just not my style. So, I did as any other woman would do and went to the store to gather supplies to make some all chocolate cake pops. It was never my intent for my first batch of cake pops to be chocolate but I just had to have some then. (And no it wasn't a pregnancy craving!) I made a batch with milk chocolate cake, chocolate frosting made with Hershey's cocoa powder and dipped them in real milk chocolate and topped them with some sprinkles. They were certainly delicious but very sweet and very very chocolatey. Today I decided I was really bored and needed to make some more cake pops...more to my every day eating liking.  I used a white cake with rainbow chips/sprinkles baked in for some added texture and color. And I dipped them in a vanilla coating with sprinkles. As I was sprinkling one with, well, sprinkles it slid down the stick so I decided I needed to eat it immediately. I have never experimented with candy coating...or vanilla almond bark so this was something new to me. To my surprise (okay, I wasn't really that surprised) it was super delicious. Take that over-priced $1.50 Starbucks cake pops...take that!!!


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