Friday, February 25, 2011

Daddy is Ditching Us!

It's true!!  Nick is packing up his bags and leaving town!!! Not because he doesn't love us with all of his Japanese heart, but he has to go to winter camp this weekend! Darn...well darn for us that is. Great for all the students and youth leaders to spend time in fellowship and re-focus on their relationships with Christ.

For those who don't know Nick is a youth pastor at New Life Community Church in Corona, CA.
So come winter and summer, its camp time! Granted since we've had our boys he hasn't attended week-long summer camp at Hume Lake, but winter camp is just a weekend away. Just a weekend...right...this is going to be one LONNGG weekend for me, let me say that. My boys have an unlimited amount of energy that no amount of running around and playing seems to decrease. On top of that it looks like a storm is rolling in this weekend. So that means...a weekend stuck inside...At some point I may be waving a white flag from my window, hopefully Nick can spot it from the mountains and rescue me! Writing this all out makes me realize I am prettty dramatic. Haha. I've been told that all my life but not until reading my own words do I see people are right. Oh well.  It's getting late around these parts and I need to save my energies for this with that I leave you with own of my favorite verses...

Hebrews 11:1
"Now faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see"

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