Friday, February 25, 2011

The time has come my little friends to talk of many things...

I haven't really determined how this blog title coincides with my post yet so bear with me. I am a very random person who thinks with my heart not head sometimes! Today started with having an unexplainable amount of energy and not being able to get to sleep until after 5:30am. It sounds odd I know but the day does start over at midnight...thus my day started with a lot of energy...and I've been dying a slow death ever since! I spent countless hours working on blogs and twitter and the like for myself and my hubby. While it was great to get so much accomplished I feel like a walking zombie. An awesome, cleaning, cooking, taking care of my kids kind of zombie NOT the kinda who eat people on movies and video games. That of course would be ridiculous. Back to my day, I slept a couple of hours and was rudely awaken by my two boys who were eagerly waiting for their breakfast to be served to them on a silver platter. Well more likely a Toy Story or Cars plate, but you get the idea. Because my hubby was home I decided I would do the right thing and pawn them off on him so I could rest a little longer. It worked! Whew! I didn't really get much more sleep but I got to lay in bed and do nothing.  We had a noon appointment with my husband's good friends for lunch in Riverside so we bundled everybody up and headed out. Lunch was nice but too short. Wish we had more time to chat with them and share what the Lord has been doing in our lives and vice versa. After that we stopped by a couple stores to get some essential survival things for the weekend. Shortly thereafter my hubby was out the door and on his way up the mountain, in the rain, for youth winter camp. (Praise God, for keeping the whole youth group and it's leaders safe during their drive to camp! ) While I do miss my hubby already I have noticed a couple of things. It's much cleaner, quieter and the actually kids got to bed on time, not Daddy's time.  Only one full day before the chaotic whirlwind that is my life hits full speed again! Hehe. Well it's time to eat turtle brownie and vanilla ice cream STRAIGHT FROM THE TUB. Because I can...and because I am Queen of this castle. Much love.

Daddy is Ditching Us!

It's true!!  Nick is packing up his bags and leaving town!!! Not because he doesn't love us with all of his Japanese heart, but he has to go to winter camp this weekend! Darn...well darn for us that is. Great for all the students and youth leaders to spend time in fellowship and re-focus on their relationships with Christ.

For those who don't know Nick is a youth pastor at New Life Community Church in Corona, CA.
So come winter and summer, its camp time! Granted since we've had our boys he hasn't attended week-long summer camp at Hume Lake, but winter camp is just a weekend away. Just a weekend...right...this is going to be one LONNGG weekend for me, let me say that. My boys have an unlimited amount of energy that no amount of running around and playing seems to decrease. On top of that it looks like a storm is rolling in this weekend. So that means...a weekend stuck inside...At some point I may be waving a white flag from my window, hopefully Nick can spot it from the mountains and rescue me! Writing this all out makes me realize I am prettty dramatic. Haha. I've been told that all my life but not until reading my own words do I see people are right. Oh well.  It's getting late around these parts and I need to save my energies for this with that I leave you with own of my favorite verses...

Hebrews 11:1
"Now faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see"

it all starts with a confession...

I have been keeping up our family blog for quite some time now and have decided it's time to create an outlet for my own crazy thoughts. A place to share my favorites...favorite things, ideas and recipes with people...people just crazy enough to take the time to read. I cant promise you'll gain any profound insight from reading, maybe just a couple pounds from the recipes I will share.  

Speaking of food...this was last nights dinner...
and it was wonderful!
White Chicken Enchiladas
2-½ cups Cooked, Shredded Chicken
2 cups Chicken Broth
1 Tablespoon Canola Oil
12  Corn Tortillas
1 whole Large Onion, Diced
3 whole 4 Oz Cans Green Chilies, Diced
1 whole Jalapeno, Seeded And Finely Diced
1 teaspoon Paprika
½ cups Heavy Cream
2 Tablespoons Butter
2 Tablespoons Flour
1 cup Sour Cream
2-½ cups Monterey Jack Cheese, Grated
Salt And Pepper, to taste
Cilantro, Chopped


Heat 1 tablespoon canola oil in large skillet over medium heat. Add onions and jalapenos and saute for 1 minute. Add chicken, half of the green chilies, and 1/2 teaspoon paprika. Stir together. Add 1/2 cup chicken broth and stir. Add cream and stir, allowing mixture to bubble and get hot. Turn off heat and set aside.

In a separate large skillet, melt butter and sprinkle in flour. Whisk together and cook over medium heat for one minute. Pour in 1 1/2 cups chicken broth. Whisk together and cook for another minute or two. Stir in the other half of the chilies. Reduce heat, then stir in sour cream. Add 1 1/2 cups grated cheese and stir to melt. Add 1/2 teaspoon paprika. Check seasoning and add salt and pepper as needed.
To assemble, spoon chicken mixture on top of tortillas, one by one. (You may want to zap the tortilla in the microwave for 30 seconds to soften them and prevent tearing). Top with plenty of cheese and roll up. Place seam side down in a 9 x 13 casserole dish.
Pour cheese mixture all over the top of the tortillas. Top with extra cheese if you’d like, then bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Sprinkle generously with chopped cilantro.
Adapted from the Pioneer Woman