Saturday, April 23, 2011

Busy Days

I have been a horrible host to my blog the last couple of weeks. For that I apologize. I feel like the world has been spinning around me and I have a full plate no matter how much I think I have accomplished. Most recently I have finished making and packaging over 200 cake pops for my church's Easter services tomorrow. It was a lot of fun the first couple I made, then it got old really quick. But the finished product is awesome and I am glad to have served my brothers and sisters in Christ! I hope everybody enjoys them!
On another note we are leaving for the week to my in-laws place and we are really looking forward to a break. My in-laws are such great and giving people and it will be nice to relax and get away from the hustle and bustle of life in So. Cal. Plus, a date night is coming our way! That is always great.
  Family wise, Noah is walking. He still prefers crawling because he can keep up with Caleb, but he can walk pretty long distances now. Caleb is a couple weeks away from being three years old, which is just insane. First three years old, then kindergarten and then off to college! Well, at least thats how it seems at the moment. He is growing up way to quickly for my liking. It is my prayer that he comes to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, and serves Him as Lord... anything else he does with his life will just be a bonus. Caleb has such a crazy, loud personality I put my hopes on him becoming an evangelist! But we will see. Well it is getting late and I have much packing to get done before tomorrow.
 I hope everybody has a blessed Easter Sunday and takes time to genuinely thank Jesus Christ for His sacrifice on the cross.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Being Lazy

So, I admit it. I have been lazy. Not wanting to do much of anything lately, let alone spend time sitting on my bum and writing on my blog. But I have really missed it. And as I've been lazy I've thought in my head all of these wonderful things I wanted to post about. Well, I forgot all those wonderful things so bear with me as I try and get my writing groove back!
On the menu tonight is going to be Rotini pasta with ground spicy italian sausage and a home made marinara served with some garlic cheese bread. Yum! I love eating. I do admit I love eating even more then I am not cooking. Something about preparing and cooking the whole meal makes me not so very hungry by time we sit down to eat. We just ate a early dinner, and now all my boys are in our bed jumping and wrestling around. Man, I really need a girl! Maybe the next one, or the one after that, or the one after that. Five is my maximum. Five is also my favorite number. So you do the math. Man, I am good. ;)
